sâmbătă, 8 martie 2014

The 'HELLO' lesson

I want to share with you the main lesson I learned at the last festival I went.
I was probably in a good mood and I dared to say HELLO to everybody I wanted to.
I was really blown away by the result.

The people who are famous and good at their job are in fact people just like every one of us. They feel awkward and out of place many times, too. They were very happy to return my hello and more. They trained all life and sometimes are eager to share their knowledge. They are open minded and want to meet interesting people, too.  
I am always trying to teach others the little I know, too. And I try to make them feel good, because this is why we dance. This time I noticed something new. People who were beginners were looking at me first with fear and distrust. But, after some time, they changed totally. They trusted me, came to dance with me and so on.
As you can see, the main conclusion is, that all people want to teach or learn, we only have to say HELLO!

Because, as a great dancer thought us,
We are all united by our first love...DANCE!  

Josè Francisco Rodriguez:

marți, 11 februarie 2014

Dansul pentru mine

Ce a fost dansul pentru mine?

A fost ca atunci când găseşti dragostea.

Dragostea cu năbădăi.

Şi te desparţi de multe ori, şi schimbi şcoala, pantofii, şi tot ce se mai poate.

Şi ţipi unul la altul că eşti cel mai prost, că toată lumea ne-a luat-o înainte, că nu mai poţi şi că s-a terminat.

Numai pentru a face o pauză mică şi a te întoarce, cu coada între picioare, acolo unde aparţii.

Ca dragostea aia oarbă, când toată realitatea spune NU, doar sufletul spune DA.

Şi ca un animal care ţii cu dinţii de speranţă, aşteptând CEVA.

Aşteptând TALENTUL, evoluţia, miracolul, orice.

Ştiind, cum ştii într-o dragoste mare, că nu ai altceva de făcut pe lume, decât asta.



marți, 4 februarie 2014

Dance therapy-my method

My steps in dance therapy:
1 .     Listen to all kind of music. Select the music you like.
2 .     Listen to the music you like with your eyes closed.
3 .     When it is time, when your body feels like it, get up (still keeping your eyes closed)
4 .     Allow your body to do whatever it feels like doing while listening to music.
5 .      Now, what you are doing is your dance. You do not need timing, steps, and lessons (unless you want them).  You will love the music, feel the music. Your body will express the music, the feeling. That’s all! Now ... you are dancing!

Every one of us has inside a dance, music, some clothes to fit those. And what we end up finding is...ourselves.

Maybe you find a passionate tango dancer, a rebel rocker, a seductive belly dancer, a joyful salsa dancer, a conqueror flamenco dancer, and so on.
Maybe you are all, maybe you are one, and maybe you are few.
Maybe you are in one mood today, and in another tomorrow.
Maybe you are a rocker this year, a delicate ballerina next year.

I enjoyed the process of discovering my dances.
I had a big "A-HA" finding out parts of dancing I loved.
I understood important things about myself.
Things which many times have been unclear.
Things which a whole life of experience, study, people, have not unveiled.
And it was nice to finally meet...myself!

duminică, 24 noiembrie 2013

Grade yourself!

Today I had one last economy exam.
I realized we should give ourselves grades.
We are the only ones who can really judge our performance.

I was never an A student in school.

Yet, I give myself an A.
I give myself an A because I was focused on the study and made it the central point of my life for a while.
I give myself an A because I learned during the test, not only gave my answers.
I did not know the problems exactly, but I figured them out.
I even learned and understood things while the exam.
I give myself an A because I was interested in the practical application of the exam, not only to learn some formulas or definitions.

I give myself an A because I am starting to be calmer during exams.
I give myself an A because at the spoken part I was able to keep my emotions under control, too.

Only you can know how much time you had to prepare for it. How much you used your own brain or other sources for it.
Only you know how many children you had at home needing your attention at the same time.
Only you know what you knew at the beginning and how much you know now.
Only you know how much you really fought for the exam or how much you were just lucky.
Only you can really grade yourself!

Now, Cătălina, you are finally ready to become an A+ student in... life!
Congratulations :)

vineri, 22 noiembrie 2013

O zi perfectă pentru Cătălina

Într-o zi cineva mi-a spus:
Cătălina, închide ochii şi gândeşte-te ce vrei! 

Prima parte a unei zile perfecte pentru mine este pe ringul de dans.
Ringul de dans e regele meu.
Aş curăţa parchetul, aş face masaj dansatorilor, m-aş ascunde după perdele, aş face orice însărcinare pentru a ramâne lângă el şi lângă dansatori.
Şi fiecare clipă aici a fost o minune, o lecţie.
Dar, abia acum ştiu că aici e destinul meu, sufletul meu, locul meu.

A doua parte a zilei este pentru voluntariat.

Pentru că, atunci când visele tale prind contur, cand viaţa ta devine perfectă, te simţi norocos.
Şi vrei să dai înapoi lumii ce-ai primit.
Pentru că, atunci când eşti fericit, vezi, simţi, gândeşti şi auzi ce înainte trecea pe lângă tine.
Şi vrei să ajuţi, să contribui, eşti dator. 

Acum, că ştii ce vrei şi cine eşti,
Cătălina... just go and do it!

joi, 21 noiembrie 2013

My secrets for today

1.     Do it yourself!  

You will feel strong, you will stop needing others, acting nice because you depend on them. 

How? Some of my ideas, as point of start:
Look more for answers before asking.
Do not pay for things if they are not worth the money.
Postpone things until you have time for them.
Think for yourself all the time. 


2.     Do it now!
Do not wait for your friend, husband, or cousin to join together that course, to see that new movie…
Do now whatever it’s time for you to do!
Your destiny is waiting for you in the places you want to go.
You will grow old waiting for the right time.
Your next job, next boyfriend, next challenge, next YOU are waiting.
Friendly people, good things are waiting for you, you will not be ALONE anywhere!
Now, dear friend, go follow your dreams!

Written with love and passion,
by Cătălina

joi, 12 septembrie 2013

Follow your heart!

Follow your heart with courage!

De ce cu curaj?
Pentru  că trebuie să ai curajul să nu asculţi de alţii, ci de ea.
Pentru că trebuie să‑ţi asumi consecinţele deciziilor ei.

Inima ta, dacă te înveţi să o asculţi, poate fii cel mai bun sfetnic în viaţă.
Te va conduce spre persoana care eşti, spre lucrurile potrivite pentru tine, spre oamenii potriviţi pentru tine.

Şi chiar nu mai trebuie să cauţi multe explicaţii în viaţă, ci doar să te laşi condus de ea.

Şi chiar poţi scăpa de povara autocontrolului, de multe frici, de multe griji şi planuri, tactici pentru viitor.
De multe măşti, invidii şi ambiţii de a ajunge undeva, cineva.

Pentru că singurul drum pe care îl cauţi e drumul tău.
Şi nimeni nu‑l poate parcurge pentru tine, şi nimeni nu ţi‑l poate fura. Pentru că este al tău.

Şi singura persoană care trebuie să fii eşti tu însuţi.
Şi nu trebuie să‑ţi doreşti să fii altcineva.
Pentru că, oricât de neînsemnată, nerealizată ţi se pare viaţa ta...
Ea este perfectă atâta timp cât eşti unde vrei, cu cine vrei şi faci ce‑ţi doreşti.


Pentru că, dacă descoperi aceste idei, dacă le înglobezi în viaţa ta, deja ai tot ce‑şi poate dori cineva mai mult pe lume.
Pentru că sunt cea mai solidă fundaţie pentru viitor.
Pentru că te poţi considera cel mai norocos om.