marți, 4 februarie 2014

Dance therapy-my method

My steps in dance therapy:
1 .     Listen to all kind of music. Select the music you like.
2 .     Listen to the music you like with your eyes closed.
3 .     When it is time, when your body feels like it, get up (still keeping your eyes closed)
4 .     Allow your body to do whatever it feels like doing while listening to music.
5 .      Now, what you are doing is your dance. You do not need timing, steps, and lessons (unless you want them).  You will love the music, feel the music. Your body will express the music, the feeling. That’s all! Now ... you are dancing!

Every one of us has inside a dance, music, some clothes to fit those. And what we end up finding is...ourselves.

Maybe you find a passionate tango dancer, a rebel rocker, a seductive belly dancer, a joyful salsa dancer, a conqueror flamenco dancer, and so on.
Maybe you are all, maybe you are one, and maybe you are few.
Maybe you are in one mood today, and in another tomorrow.
Maybe you are a rocker this year, a delicate ballerina next year.

I enjoyed the process of discovering my dances.
I had a big "A-HA" finding out parts of dancing I loved.
I understood important things about myself.
Things which many times have been unclear.
Things which a whole life of experience, study, people, have not unveiled.
And it was nice to finally meet...myself!

Un comentariu:

  1. You are so inspirational, girl :) It's so true, if you just let yourself lead by the music, you're dancing with all of your heart and true magic happens...
